Todd Combs' interview with the podcast "I Am Home"

by Dongeun Paeng
Feb 26, 2024 · 만 34세

미리 요약하자면, 첫 번째 내용은 어디서 들은 정보(내러티브)로 인상이 형성된 후 대상을 판단하면 앵커 효과를 피할 수 없다는 것이다. 두 번째 내용은 인간관계를 충분히 넓게(열린 마음으로) 가질 필요가 있다는 것이다.

1. 편향에 대해서

(...) I personally feel like too many people start outside in. And what I mean by that is they're starting with a narrative. They're starting because they heard something from someone, or they saw it on CNBC, or they read a research report, or what have you. And if you start with any narrative, (...) then you start forming all of your opinions based on a loose narrative that you formed, that was completely erroneous to begin with. So if you were... it's no different than the scientific process. You don't start with a narrative and try and prove it, you start with the facts and build it from there. (...) And once you're anchored, you're anchored. You can't kind of undo it. The genie is out of the bottle.

2. 인간관계에 대해서

I've learned a lot from Warren and Charlie and others over the years, but one of the things I've really learned from Warren, is, he's absolutely spectacular about keeping a very wide, what I call aperture. But then also, you only get so much time. So focusing your time on the people that you enjoy spending it with, and who are kind of, make you feel good, and are happy and accretive, accretive in a happy sense, not a monetary sense, to be clear. That's what... you'd much rather do that, and then you don't repeat the people you don't want to spend time with than try and create a narrow aperture, so to speak. So I've tried to learn something from that.


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